Miranda Cosgrove


Active Member
That was posted on 4chan yesterday under a thread full of random nudes. Somebody commented it looked like Cosgrove and all of the sudden, it became her. It's not.

I'm actually intrigued by this. At first, I dismissed it offhand due to the manner in which it was released under a random 4chan nudie thread and never really looked at it closely. But I had it open on a new tab. When I went to it to close it, I looked closer and noticed this person seems to be standing on a soundstage. Notice the fake wall to the left, high ceilings, and stagelight on he left as well... Thoughts?
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Active Member
That was posted on 4chan yesterday under a thread full of random nudes. Somebody commented it looked like Cosgrove and all of the sudden, it became her. It's not.

I'm actually intrigued by this. At first, I dismissed it offhand due to the manner in which it was released under a random 4chan nudie thread and never really looked at it closely. But I had it open on a new tab. When I went to it to close it, I looked closer and noticed this person seems to be standing on a soundstage. Notice the fake wall to the left, high ceilings, and stagelight on he left as well... Thoughts?
I just looked at it at slowed the GIF down. Now i could be wrong so don't jump all over me about it bit it looks like I very possibly could be her however the boobs look like they might be shopped. It looks kinda like she might have actually been wearing a bra or bikini top or something along those lines under the robe. Like I said I could be wrong, that's just what it looks like to me.


That's exactly what I saw. A gif altered. The tits were photoshoped. If you put it in your comp n watch each slide you see it doesn't match up at all. Good try but FAKE...


I didn't notice that at first! Good catch! Just thought it might be her! The sound stage is why i believed it to be her! Thanks for the knowledge guys!


Well-Known Member
I just wasted your time sending this comment to page 1

You know, if you spent less time trying to annoy random people online as some sort of autistic payback for people yelling at you for all of your bullshit bumps, and more time actually leaving the house and chatting up other people, you might see actual tits, like, in real life.

Just take a look at what you're doing with your life, the choices you make, bro.