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Unbelievably STRANDED On My Way To School!

9/28/24 4:19 PM7 min796 MBmov1080p
Price12.49 EUR


A brand new semester has begun and so my vacation has come to a close! I packed all my belongings and headed out so I could make it back to my campus in due time! While I covered so much distance,  I began to observe how my old car keeps jerking whenever I press in the clutch with the gas pedal.  Hmmm I thought nothing of it until it kept getting worse! My car was literally shaking on me and I had no idea what I had expected next. My car stopped me on the side of the road right in the middle of SOMEWHERE! What on EARTH?? Who do I talk to? This situation is really getting scary.  I check the hood in confusion pondering what the problem is. I stomp and stomp hoping I would get this stubborn car to restart! Nothing! Will I ever leave?? 


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